

出左機場就有酒店既tuk tuk車司機等我地喇﹗約十五分鐘就到左酒店喇。朋友仔上網睇資料話下晝超熱,所以我地貴貴地用左每晚US30一間房住呢度,貪佢有泳池,可以下晝返黎游兩下至再入吳哥。但其實一來一回唔抖得好耐,結果都係無游到。第二日既utk tuk車司機建議我地下次搵guesthouse,同樣有泳池,平一半,因為叫hotel既,政府打稅重d,收費就自然貴d。

放低行李,由接我地既tuk tuk車司機以US13一日,車左我地入吳哥,開始三日吳哥遊喇。三日pass,US40。
the south gate of Angkor Thom (Thom means big), the statues are holding a giant snake.

There are five gates in Angkor Thom, each gate is crowned with 4 giant faces


nice carving, a dancing fairy, Apsara

there are many many doors and windows look like photo frames, I love them very much

detailed carvings



there are 37 standing towers in Bayon ( the main temple in Angkor Thom). Bayon was a King, the Jayavarman VII's state-temple. It's the face of the King.著名既「高棉的微笑」。

on the upper level of Bayon

airasia嘅機我坐過一次去bangkok都ok架, 因為夠平麻!好佩服你由沙巴去到柬埔寨
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/18/2010 07:57:00]我都係坐飛機啫,唔好話佩服咁嚴重啦﹗
看妳的BLOG好過看旅遊雜誌 .
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/19/2010 08:19:00]咁誇獎呀﹗多謝晒﹗
看完Angkok Wat浮雕,其他地方浮雕可能已沒有吸引力。有否去東方蒙娜麗莎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/19/2010 08:19:00]邊度黎架?
it is so great!!!
回覆刪除跟主要景點有一小時車程,我唔知妳有否去? 遲些再看完其他日子的相片就知道? 其實,可以媲美的東南亞古蹟,就是緬甸Bagan,好spectacular! 當然,最偉大亞洲又或者世界的歷史遺址就是印度Taji Mahal
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/20/2010 08:14:00]Taji Mahal?我唔係咁同意,我覺得d人有點兒盲目崇拜印度,佢未算最偉大。
Hi gal,
回覆刪除I will go Cambodia alone nxt month.
could u pls kindly recommand any driver or tour guide to me,if u hv any of their contact.
since I m a girl who travel alone, do u think its dangerous to do so in cambodia?
much appreciate if you could help answer my enquries. Many thanks!!!
[版主回覆11/29/2010 20:20:00]for the tuk tuk driver, you may have a look of my blog : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/charmaine306/article?mid=7161 and, I think, travel alone in Cambodia is not dangerous if you play carefully and smartly.
Hi fd,
回覆刪除thanks for yr information!!
but the link seems cannot be accessed and show "The address is not valid".
is there any update ?
Thks loads :)
[版主回覆11/30/2010 09:34:00]actually, the blog exists, you may go to 蛇去電台雜誌to have a look, anyway, here is the email address of the tuk tuk driver: simmao2008@gmail.com
嘩! 呢個 trip好豐富喎,一次過又上神山,又去吳哥,又去KL和Bangkok,plan 咗耐呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/13/2011 19:34:00]呢次真係幾正架﹗其實係跟住airasia條航線plan既,搵最抵既行法時發現咁樣玩最抵﹗
attractive trips. i'm gonna visit Cambodia with my family next month.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/11/2011 03:53:00]have a nice trip! you may ask ah Mao to be your tuktuk driver ar!